Sunday, August 12, 2007

Week in Review

After reading Jen's post about making baby food, I got inspired to do a little creating of my own. I picked some green beans from our garden and blended them up in the blender (apparently the food processor doesn't break up their tough skins as well), then I froze them and wallah! Baby food. Well, Bear was nearly excited about my ambitious domestications, his reaction "Uck, gag, cough", of course he doesn't really like the store green beans either, so what can I say. I love Bear's feet... and now that he has found them it is even more fun. He is so cute when he lays on his back grabbing his toes.
This is Bear's favorite playing spot right now. He has a basket full of toys which he chews on, and throws across the room one by one. He is sitting up so good now, it is fun to watch him explore in the big toy box.
This is what we did for Kimball's birthday. We went to the park and swung on the swings, threw the frisbee for Chuie in the river... even dipped Bear's feet in. We also went in the fountain but of course didn't get any pictures of that...
Last night we had some friends over to celebrate Kimball's big day, the picture in the middle is of his yummy ice cream cake. Good times!


Jen said...

Bella gagged on my homemade food too. I can't get her to eat them. Where are you making your picture collages? they are cute.

Alicia L. said...

Such cute pictures. I can't hardly believe Bear is sitting up now. How did that happen so fast! He's just a doll.