Sunday, May 11, 2008

Check it out!

I have been super busy with my Mona Vie business! Check out my new Mona Vie website and my new Mona Vie blog!

There are also links off of this blog as well! Healthy living to all of you!

Saturday, May 3, 2008


I shaved Barrett's hair off today, much to Kimball's pleasure. I actually didn't mean to cut it this short, but once you get to close to the top of the head there is no turning back...
I think he is looking all grown up now, makes me kind of sad.... He went to the doc on Wed for his check-up: 30lbs 5 oz, and 34 inches. Off the charts! He is getting so big!!!
My mom bought him this shirt today; it seems appropriate considering we are going to a BBQ where lots of our friends' daughters will be.
By the way, did you notice the shiner? He did that in his crib today. Not sure how, although I suspect he tried to pull himself up and slipped.... boys, what can you do?
Well, I am in the home stretch on finishing up my Masters. Graduation is May 17th and I am so looking forward to May 14th when I turn in my last papers and am free!!! Guess I better get busy finishing up those papers I have been procrastinating about!
Oh, it looks like I am going to get published! I have some revisions to do after school is out, but it looks good! Will let you all know! I guess getting published is as good as having teaching experience, so hopefully that will help me get a job... we will see.
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