Monday, June 4, 2007

Backyard, Boating, New Friends, and Seattle Road Trip

It has been a very busy week for us. Barrett, my mom and I just got back from our road trip to Seattle. I should really say Washington because we actually never were in the city of Seattle.
The pictures below are from Memorial weekend, been trying to get outside since our weather has been so nice.
Barrett took his first boat ride Memorial weekend! My Aunt Linda came to visit from Eugene... we had a blast visiting and catching up with her. Barrett seemed to enjoy the boat ride which started out rather chilly but quickly warmed up.
Barrett finally met his friends Cypress and Salem (Shaun and Kenya's twins) and Cohen (Rob and Tiffany's son). Now, just try getting 3 babies and a toddler to sit still for a picture...
The road trip was so much fun, we visited so many people and had a blast. Barrett was really good the whole time, of course the 7 1/2 hour drive took us 10 hours on the way over but only 9 on the way back. We left Tuesday morning and stayed the night in Duvall with my friend Trina and her family, visited her grandparents the next day, then visited with the family I used to nanny for. Max and Ryan are now 12, they were 6 months when I started watching them! They have a little brother Jack who is 6. Tim was out of town but we got to spend some time with their mom Laurie which was lots of fun. Wednesday and Thursday nights we stayed with my dad's cousin Paul and his wife, Jeannie, then Friday we headed over to Poulsbo to see my friend Merit and her husband Alan. Barrett took his first ferry ride, which he seemed to enjoy. We walked around downtown Poulsbo and went to the Poulsbo Bakery and got some cinnamon rolls... yummy!
Saturday morning we drove down to Olympia and visited with my cousin Ron, his wife Shelli and their son Ryan and his family (wife Cecily and daughter Danika). Danika thought Barrett's binky was pretty interesting and tried to pull it out of his mouth. After that we drove north a bit to our family friend's Larry and Joyce and stayed the night there, then were off early in the morning to drive back home.
Barrett also tried some sweet potatoes on our trip which he loved and I gave him some bananas this afternoon and he gobbled those down and laughed and giggled the whole time. He went in for his 4 month checkup today and the doctor said he is a very healthy 19 pounds, 7 ounces baby boy! Yes, he is huge. He is off the charts for weight, 95% for height at 26 3/4 inches, and his head is in the 90% at 17 1/2 inches. He rolls from his tummy to his back, but still doesn't like to be on his tummy for too long. And by the way, he will drink formula and juice out a bottle but still won't take my breast milk from one. Of course it takes him forever to drink just one ounce but at least he isn't screaming.
Well, that is our update for the week... Posted by Picasa


Anonymous said...

Barrett has become a world traveler! He is looking debonair in those shades of his....hiding those long eyelashes of his! Looking forward to seeing him on Wednesday........Grandma Chooks

Alicia L. said...

Wow. Love all those pictures. Looks like you had so much fun in Seattle. I hear you're going to Alaska soon too. Barrett going to be quite the traveler.