Monday, November 3, 2008

Poor Chuie

Bear has taken to carrying around all the blankets and all of the pillows and placing them strategically around and on Chuie. The dog is very patient and lays there while he does this. Don't worry, there really isn't any menace behind that look on Chuie's face.
Okay, kid so where did you go?
And another day.... poor dog. Bear will just follow her around and do this routine all over again even after she gets up and moves away.
Love Chuie!
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Bless ole' Chew's heart having to put up with all that mothering from her best friend' Bear. I am sure Chew loves the attention and wishes Bear would just grow up sometimes! So this is what a "bear hug" looks like (last pic).