Thursday, August 21, 2008

18 months and going wild

Here are some recent pictures of Barrett. Things have been crazy around here lately. I have had miserable morning sickness and then when I just started to get over that I caught Barrett's cold. Both of us are in our second week but starting to feel better...
Barrett has been into wearing our shoes. The other day he had my heels on but I missed the photo opportunity. Will have to catch it again.
Here are some random pics of Barrett over the last few weeks. He has been having a good time playing and making funny faces.
I had a little photo shoot with Barrett and Chuie the other day. That poor dog she puts up with so much from him. He actually bit her the other day, but I think it scared him more when she yelped. He started bawling, it was pretty funny. I feel bad for Chuie sometimes though, but I am very grateful we have such a patient and loving dog for Barrett to play with.
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Anonymous said...

Those are pretty cute pictures of Barrett and Chuie. You are right, Chuie puts up a lot but on the same note she loves that kid so much! Isn't Barrett getting long legs? Thanks...G'Ma Cks

Jen said...

Cute pictures, he is getting so big and grown up. Sorry about your cold. Having a cold when you are pregnant is miserable and seems to linger forever. Glad you are feeling better.