Monday, September 10, 2007

Look What I Can Do!

Bear had a mohawk when he woke up the other morning. It was pretty funny. He is really into playing with his toys right now. He rolls all the way across the room to get what he wants. Last night it was my dirty flip flops. The further we moved them away the more he reached for them. It was pretty fun to watch him, he was so determined.

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Here is Bear trying out some new tricks... eating bananas and his favorite head shake.


Jen said...

That is too cute. He is getting so big, I can't wait to see him again. When you coming for a visit?

Alicia L. said...

Oh, that is cute. He's such a doll. Don't you love this age, this stage. They're so fun. They can start to really entertain themselves a bit. So fun to watch.

How are your classes going?