Monday, October 6, 2008


I have been eating lots of yogurt... I like this blue Trix kind cause it matches my cast ; )

Do you like cheese? I like cheese a lot, but most of all I like to eat cheese in small places like this laundry basket.

Hmmm, not sure why my mom has this book, but it sure looks funny!

I really like to put on my mom or dad's shoes. Makes me feel like a grown up even though I fall over a lot.
I went to the park with Mom and Dad and Chuie. That's my coold new minivan in the background.
The swings are still one of my favorite things to do at the park.

This slide looks pretty cool too! Dad is trying to be creative photographly.

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1 comment:

CathyandScott said...

OMG! You are huge! Just kidding. You are beautiful as always, wife.
Can't wait to see the new baby. Barrett is getting so big.