Friday, May 18, 2007

Random pictures

Here are some pictures from the last couple weeks.

We bought Bear a Bumbo seat and he seems to like it. Thought this picture was pretty funny cause he was laughing. Eating solids for the first time....

Bear loves his activity center, this was a chilly day, although they aren't chilly anymore... been near 90 all week.

Bear's first trip to the park and first swing!

His first "Race for the Cure", he was so good the whole time!

He really likes this musical bunny, I guess he likes anything that makes noise though : )
We are getting ready for our first road trip. My mom and I are driving out to Seattle after Memorial Day to visit friends and family so that should be pretty interesting. Love to all!Posted by Picasa


Jen said...

He is getting so big! I love the pictures. Good luck with the road trip!

Alicia L. said...

So how do you like the bumbo? I never had one for my kids. But now I see them everywhere! People rave about them. Does Bear seem to like it?

Jenny said...

Bear likes the Bumbo, but only for about 10 minutes. He still doesn't have a very long attention span. He keeps trying to pull himself up to a sitting position so I think he just likes to be upright.